Dealing with Demotivated coworkers in a shared office

Shared office space in Vashi
Congratulations! You have signed-up for a shared office space in Vashi, found the best deal, the best space well-equipped with infrastructure and amenities, the perfect seating arrangement, a great setting to trigger your ambitions and a compelling reason for productive days ahead. Overjoyed at the moment, and you just can’t wait to get started. Well, we do appreciate the enthusiasm and know exactly how it feels to get started on your own, working at flexible hours and above all, being your own boss.
Few days at work and then you are faced with the most unexpected, the unthought of situations to deal with. Not exactly disturbing tranquility but somewhat questioning your confident abilities, when confronted with unmotivated coworkers. Coworking spaces through time have been bragging about great vibes, positive environment, ergonomically designed furnitures, the best brew of caffeine and cooperative staffers, but what goes unsaid is the fine print – *things you should know before you sign up for a coworking space.
In a shared office space or a coworking bay most often devoid of cubicles, you do not exactly get to choose who sit besides you or the workers in an open area. Now this could either prove to be of advantage or can bring your hopes down pretty soon.
A certain amount of complacency can help you survive through the day. But not all days are the same. On a bad day, you can feel almost crippled and at loss of appetite to bring out your best self at work. On these days you need motivated colleagues and coworkers to pep up your moods, be critical of your accomplishments and boost your ambitious drive to perform.
While working in a supportive, encouraging and collaborative environment is everyone’s dream, what do you do when expectations go unmet and reality strikes?
Here are few things that can help you pave through long days at Shared office Space , especially when you’re surrounded by negativity and pessimism in the air:
- Improve Focus – Easily said, than done could be your counter statement. However improved focus will help you to be thick-skinned about situations and deliver great results at all times.
- Avoid confrontation – Going by silence as the rule, when you don’t have anything important to say or share, rather shut up! This helps avoid unforeseen challenges and issues created due to large human egos.
- Learn to let go – This can seem to be toughest thing to do, but if implied can bring lots of peace and satisfaction within. Do not ignore facts, however do not allow negatives to make its way into your system to bring you down.
- Be Positive – Smile is the best accessory you can sport everyday at work. Remember, challenging days are meant to bring out the best in you. So keep going strong, even if the world around seems like a ploy at the moment.
- Inspire and Educate – In every work setting, there could be certain members holding lopsided views on subjects and tilted towards the extremes. A conversation with them could dampen your spirits instantly. If you otherwise choose to sit down and talk with these selected few, perhaps you might find temporary assurance and understanding in a nod. But, if your actions complement your workings, then they could be left inspired to learn a thing or two to upgrade their lives as well. Please share information and spread knowledge. Happy Coworking!