As you aspire to start a business, you might be in a dilemma. You may be unsure whether you should purchase an office space or opt for a space for startups in Navi Mumbai on rent. But, when you take an office space on lease, it has its pros and cons. The office space on rent may seem suitable due to significant development. Even then, you must scroll through the article to know more about the pros and cons.
If you plan to start a business or a startup, then check our commercial office on rent in Navi Mumbai.
Pros of Office Space Rental
Choosing an office space on rent has many benefits. Let’s check these ahead.
Prime Property Location
Whenever you consider an office space on rent, you can establish a business in a prime location. You then do not have to make an upfront investment for purchasing any property. Moreover, the location also offers essential amenities like conference rooms, high-speed internet connectivity, and more. As you run the business in a prestigious area, the reputation of your business will be enhanced.
Flexibility and Scalability
Considering an office space on rent offers flexibility with regards to the lease. This is advantageous to those who run small-scale businesses. They can take the office space on rent when they are financially incapable of moving ahead with a long-term lease. Additionally, business owners can think about scaling up the space requirements in the future. This enables them to adapt to the evolving business requirements.
Opting for an office space on rent initially requires lower capital. The option is certainly more cost-effective than purchasing a property. You then don’t have to bear expenses associated with maintenance and utility bills. An experienced team takes care of this once you commence. On the other hand, you can conserve cash flow for marketing or investing in technology.
Exclusive Rights
Renting an office space often implies that the business gets exclusive rights for using the space. The entrepreneurs don’t have to worry regarding property management. Cleaning and maintenance are usually carried out by a property management team. Exclusive rights also ensure that the space is equipped as per the business’s specific needs. This enables business owners to focus on core activities without bothering about managing the property.
Cons of Renting Office Space
Even though an office space on rent offers flexibility, it has some disadvantages. Let’s check these ahead.
Control Over the Property
While renting an office space, there are restrictions to make significant alterations. You can’t modify the layout or customize the decor as per the brand’s identity. In case you wish to make any changes, then you need to seek the property owner’s approval. This can be time-consuming once you approach the property owner. As a result, you have to work within the constraints of the existing space.
Grow Someone Else’s Financial Stake
When you’ve purchased an office space, you might earn income naturally as the property’s value will increase. But, in case you consider an office on rent, then you’re not building equity. You simply have to pay the rent, and you don’t have anything to present in terms of asset ownership. Eventually, the property owner is the one who will benefit. This, in turn, can lead to a considerable loss in the rental expenses.
Competitive Environment
Running a business in a rented office space means that you’re operating in a competitive environment. As you continue working from the office space, you can collaborate with diverse individuals. But, this enhances the competition for clients. It will also become tough for you to differentiate the business. This is because of the presence of numerous companies under one roof.
Dependency on Property Management
After you start a business at a rented office space, you will be dependent on the property management team. If you face any issues, then the landlord has to address them at the earliest. But, if the property is not properly managed, then it can disrupt business operations. Way ahead, if the owner doesn’t maintain the property as per the standards, then it can affect your business’s reputation.
Finally, you can take an office space on lease depending on your financial condition. But, if you wish to make structural changes later, then buying an office is a good option. Undoubtedly, there are many benefits to taking a space on lease. If you’re fine with the disadvantages stated above, then renting an office space can be ideal.
Still seeking a commercial office on rent in Navi Mumbai? If that’s the case, then connect with TriggerXchange today. While our team takes care of everything you need, it offers cubicles, desks, conference rooms, and more. With time, you will also be a part of many events. This will help you seek collaborations with diverse professionals.